Financess Consulting SRL

We bring value to your numbers

Financess Consulting SRL is a company specialized in services in the field of financial-accounting, consulting, payroll, human resources, legal services and accounting

Our clients include international and Romanian companies operating in various fields of activity such as: services, IT, e-commerce, medical services, real estate, production and much more. We are oriented towards performance, promptness and continuous communication. We strongly believe that each customer is truly unique, and that is why our approach automatically includes personalized services for each customer.

We have a continuous experience of over 12 years in the financial accounting field and we have helped many companies not only to get rid of accounting worries but also to obtain financing. About 90% of the companies we spoke to do not know the benefits and tax credits that they can easily access at any time. Growing the business through fiscal optimization and budget allocation is one of our specializations. We managed to help all our customers to optimize their tax rates and redirect their budget to the development of the company or to motivate employees through new benefits (gift vouchers, holiday vouchers or vouchers for Christmas or 8th of March). We also offer solutions to reduce taxes by applying tax credits, such as sponsoring a non-governmental association or investing in own capital equipment.

Our mission

Our goal is to support our clients in making the smartest decisions through professional relationships based on personalized services offered with integrity and trust.

Our values

  • Integrity
  • Learning
  • Colaboration
  • Flexibility
  • Readiness

Accounting is not just simple numbers and that is why we have combined a set of values ​​in offering our services.

Contact us

About us

Our Team

  • Alina Radu

    Alina este specialist cu o experiență de peste 12 ani în domeniul financiar-contabil. Este fondator al companiei de contabilitate și consultanța Financess Consulting.

    Alina este membru al CECCAR – Corpul experților contabili și contabililor autorizați din Romania, CAFR – Camera auditorilor financiari din Romania și a absolvit un MBA la Cotrugli Business School.

    De-a lungul carierierei sale a coloborat cu clienți din diferite domenii de activitate ca: medical, magazin on-line, organizare evenimente, producție, salon înfrumusețare corporala, parc de distracții, construcții, prestări servicii și multe alte domenii.

    Alina este implicată activ în asociația Junior Chamber Internațional Romania, o comunitate de tineri lideri, întreprinzători şi manageri din România.

  • Daniel Botescu

    Daniel este un specialist cu o experienta de peste 15 ani in domeniul IT&C, fie in implementarea de proiecte sau in operational.

    Detine multiple certificari recunoscute international, in domenii variate, cele mai notabile fiind OSCP, PMP, VCP. De-a lungul carierei a realizat numeroase proiecte in diferite arii din tehnologia informatiei, cum ar fi virtualizarea sau retelistica, fiind parte integranta a echipei sau directionand subcontractori.

    Toate acestea au contribuit la un set de aptitudini care isi aduc intotdeauna aportul la succesul proiectelor in derulare.