We bring value to your numbers

Financess Consulting SRL

We bring value to your numbers

Financess Consulting SRL

Financess Consulting SRL is a company specialized in services within the field of Financial Accounting, consulting, payroll, human resources, legal services and accounting.

We also offer solutions to reduce taxes by applying tax credits, such as sponsoring a non-governmental association or investing in own capital equipment.

About us



We will promote integrity and the highest ethical standards.


We support our clients by helping them know the benefits and tax credits they can easily acces at any time.


We managed to help all our clients by solving all the problems they had, so the collaboration has alwas been flowless for both sides.

  • Contabilitate, cifre, rapoarte, balante, punct si de la capat! Dar nu! Asta e in cazul unui departament de contabilitate care isi face treaba fara scantei de entuziasm! Nu e cazul aici! Exista un vibe aparte care face din rapoarte, cifre si balante o contabilitate atat de aproape sufleteste de mersul companiei pentru care lucreaza cu maxim profesionalism, claritate, promptitudine si loialitate. Zoomserie se simte pe maini bune si devine si mai dulce cand la final de luna Alina ii prezinta situatia!

    • Elena, manager Zoomserie Frozen Products
  • Este prima data cand reusesc sa inteleg cu adevarat informatii si idei practice despre contabilitate. Modalitatea de a transmite/realiza totul atat de profesionist, clar si cu zambetul pe buze, m-a determinat sa vad acest segment cu alti ochi. Multumesc, Alina Radu@Financess

    • Alina Dunuta, Speakings
  • Folosesc Finances pentru agilitate - pentru ca imi bazez decizile pe cat mai multe date corecte si rapide, si Financess mi le asigura.

    • Cornel Amariei, founder .lumen
  • Our collaboration with Alina is ongoing for over one year. From the beginning, Alina has become quickly an integral part of AVRA ESTETIC. She has been the chief accountant and has been performing very successfully as a dynamic and hard working individual. With her responsibility, accuracy and rapid response in any given situation, I am confident that we shall be collaborating with her for a long time.

    • Marios & Marina Aristotel, founder of Avra Institute